Friday, June 26, 2009

What musical leading lady are you?

Eliza Doolittle


You are Eliza! You're rough-around-the-edges, fiercely proud and street savvy and like it that way. You may turn people off where first impressions are concerned, but once they see the real you, they more than likely come around. You are a beautiful, unique individual with interesting stories and points of view to share and one hardly ever tires listening to your colorful words. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!

Would you be a good stage hand?

A list Hand.

You are a perfect stage hand. You are on time, willing to learn, willing to teach the new guys, and a team player. You would be an asset to any crew you worked for and should be payed top rate.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Do you have a dirty mind?

The Dirty One

You have a dirty mind. Although you are not yet a mastermind, you can understand all dirty jokes and create them yourself. You enjoy being dirty and it is present quite often in your life.

What movie killer are you?

Freddy Kreuger

You're a fearless undead serial killer, who kills the children of elm street in their dreams. You're one of the only killers who can actually talk, too.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What fairytale are you?


You have bad beginings, but all becomes ok in the end. You like singing to rodents, are beautiful beyond words, and bag a handsome prince due to your charm and grace.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Are you a Mac or a PC?

Your Result: PC!


You are a PC person. You want functionality over smooth looks. You love customizations and you would stay away from Macs because they take so many decisions for you! You like to have things your own way even if it may mean putting in a little extra effort. Make your choices at the nearest geek hub!

Which suspect from Clue (the movie) are you?

Your Result: Mr. Green (Michael McKeon)


You are Mr. Green. You can be neurotic and paranoid to a fault at times, but other times you are the calm voice of reason. You are the most moral and practical member of the group. You are gifted at creating false facades to achieve your goals. While often underestimated by others, you have the ability to save the day where all others have failed. Your weapons of choice are the telephone and your important connections.

Can you Finish the Lyrics?

Your Result: Your are the lyric king!


Awesome! you answered them all perfectly! you really know your songs and you have a great taste in music. Pass this on to your friends and see is they can top your awesomeness.

Which Jedi are you?

Your Result: Luke Skywalker


You are reckless but also have a keen sense of right and wrong. You always can see the good in people. You can forgive them for the wrong they have done.